Teeny-tiny Itty-bitty
aged a few days
Are you sure that's a dog?
Very small
aged 18 days
Not a Guinea pig?
Sitting in the grass
aged 32 days
Serenity in puppyhood.
What the Sam Heck is this guy doing?
aged 71 days
This is my favorite picture of our Little Guy.
Pointy ears
aged 78 days
Remember Gizmo from Gremlins?
Sitting pretty
aged 85 days
Finally! Cardigan ears!

He is our boogul. We don't know what a boogul is, but he's ours. He did fairly well in Puppy Kindergarten, but dropped out of Beginners' Obedience. He does chew. Several pieces of furniture will never be the same. He loves walking with "Dad" and cuddling with "Mom." Flyball is one of his favourite things, but we need to work on his technique: once he has the tennis ball, he thinks he is allowed to run around the ring.

This is what happened on a Saturday when he was 3½ months old:

Kath put out her hands in the "Drop the ball" position. She kept repeating "Bring me the ball" which is what we use for fetch after we have thrown the ball. This time the ball hadn't been thrown; it was just lying on the floor. Hughie looked at Kathleen. Cocked head. Cocked head the other way. Looked around. Looked at me. Cocked head. Cocked head the other way. Looked around. Got an itch and scratched it. Looked at Kathleen. Cocked head. Cocked head the other way. Looked around. Saw the ball. Walked over to it. Looked at Kathleen. Cocked head. Picked up ball. Walked cautiously to Kathleen and dropped the ball in her hand. Mondo praise ensued!
Standing on the dock
aged 129 days
Wearing an Elizabethan Collar
aged 182 days
I feel so embarrassed in this thing.
Chased by a Husky
aged 8 months
Playing with his friend Buddy on Christmas day.
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